Monday, December 7, 2020

A humble, kindhearted Professor

It's been a long time since I wrote on this blog and this evening I got a nerve to write again. It was all because I found Horiguchi Sensei's blog. Horiguchi Sensei is the principle investigator aka head lab or Professor of Department of Molecular Bacteriology in RIMD, Osaka University. Since June, I've been doing experiment in his lab together with Hendra, my friend from Indonesia. Actually we're coming from dry lab in Department of Genome Informatics, but since we need to do some wet experiments to increase robustness of our tools, and our lab has no space to do experiment, Daron (our Professor) ask for collaboration to Horiguchi Sensei and he happily said yes to accommodate our needs.

We are now dealing with bacterial toxins and some antibody production experiment. It's not an easy task for me but I shouldn't be afraid since I'm in the lab of bacterial toxins master. During the past six months, I learned so many things from this lab. Unlike Hendra that already got master in immunology, I have zero previous experience in doing such wet lab experiments, but Horiguchi Sensei and his lab members (especially Nishida Sensei and Dendi) always there to help me. From most of the time, I saw Horiguchi Sensei as a kind and humble person. What I never imagine about him is he also likes to do blogging. He is very delighted to keep his blog updated. On October, we celebrate his birthday and he wrote that on his blog. Here is the link

I was so surprised because I am not even his lab member but I was there. I can feel his appreciation and acceptance for us. Reading on his blog gives me courage to open up my blog again and write something. Anything. I hope I can update my blog more frequent, just like Horiguchi Sensei.

Horiguchi Sensei (with cake) and the lab members minus Nishida Sensei and Sugi San


Thanks for reading!

(Anyway I'm still learning to write English spontaneously, so anytime you find mistakes, please let me know ;)

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